We Can't Do it Without You
Secure online donations may be made via Venmo with NO FEES – so your entire contribution can benefit our
mission. Or mail a check to Grace’s Place, PO Box 83, Washington, MO, 63090.
You can also donate via Paypal (1.7% fee applies). However, in the last two years we’ve paid over $500 in transaction fees to Paypal – imagine what other great things we would’ve been able to accomplish with those lost fees!
Donors are *Kind of a Big Deal*
Our greatest need is regular, dependable, monthly donations
We have a yearly budget and annual fund goals that rely on the generosity of donors like you to meet the operational and program needs of Grace’s Place and the children we serve. Because Grace’s Place is a legal non-profit, in good standing with the state of Missouri, all donations are tax deductible. In addition, yearly cumulative donations of $100 or more (corporate or individual) may qualify for the Missouri Champion for Children Tax Credit.
Along with financial contributions, we are always in need of:
Gently loved clothing, shoes, books and toys – these items are kindly managed by the staff at Mommy & Me Again, 112 W. Main St., Washington, MO, 63090. Please drop off your items and let them know you are donating them for Grace’s Place and if you’d like any of the items they cannot accept returned to you.
New and unused: personal care items (toiletries, feminine hygiene products, etc.), toys and educational supplies, office supplies, kitchen and cleaning supplies, art supplies and non-expired (kid-friendly) food can be donated at our 219 N Christina Ave address between the hours of 8am-2pm, Monday through Friday. Or please call us to arrange a more convenient time to make a donation. Please do not leave donations unattended on our front porch.
We can not accept used mattresses, new or used stuffed animals or used car seats.